Privacy Policy

The protection and security of personal data is a high priority for us. Therefore, we strictly adhere to the rules of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). Below you will be informed about what type of data is collected and for what purpose it is collected:

1. Data transmission / data logging

When visiting this page, the web server automatically logs log files that can not be assigned to a specific person. These data include for example the browser type and version, the operating system used, the referrer URL (the page visited previously), the IP address of the requesting computer, the server request's access date and time and the client's file request (file name and URL). These data are collected only for the purpose of statistical evaluation. A transfer to third parties, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, does not take place.

2. Use of personal data

Personal data will only be collected or processed if you provide this information voluntarily, eg. in the context of a request. Unless there are any necessary reasons in connection with a transaction, you can revoke the previously granted approval of your personal data storage with immediate effect in writing (eg. by email). Your data will not be disclosed to third parties, unless disclosure is required by law.

3. Information, modification and deletion of your data

In accordance with applicable law, you can always ask us in writing whether and which personal data we have stored about you. A corresponding message will be sent to you immediately.

4. Security of your data

Your personal data made available to us will be secured by taking all technical and organizational security measures so that they are inaccessible to unauthorized third parties. When sending very sensitive data or information, it is recommended to use the post office, as a complete data security can not be guaranteed by email.

By using our website, you agree to the terms of these privacy policies.